").addTo(map);L.marker([30.66247299999999,-81.445245], { icon: Icon2}).bindPopup("
Wiccademous Grave
").addTo(map);L.marker([30.67316,-81.44252], { icon: Icon3}).bindPopup("
Amelia Island Lighthouse
").addTo(map);L.marker([30.6703928,-81.46297720000001], { icon: Icon6}).bindPopup("
Florida House Inn
").addTo(map);L.marker([30.671591,-81.46400599999998], { icon: Icon13}).bindPopup("
Palace Saloon
").addTo(map);L.marker([30.66918,-81.45850899999999], { icon: Icon6}).bindPopup("
The Amelia Island Williams House
").addTo(map);L.marker([30.6852004,-81.45193139999998], { icon: Icon9}).bindPopup("
Bosque Bello Cemetery
").addTo(map);L.marker([30.6675506,-81.46365930000002], { icon: Icon14}).bindPopup("
Old Jail - Amelia Island Museum of History
").addTo(map);L.marker([30.672713669273985,-81.45828276872635], { icon: Icon9}).bindPopup("
St. Peter\'s Episcopal Church Cemetery
").addTo(map);L.marker([30.6716067,-81.46462969999999], { icon: Icon13}).bindPopup("
Marina Seafood Restaurant
").addTo(map);L.marker([30.670325,-81.45752800000002], { icon: Icon14}).bindPopup("
Atlantic Avenue Schoolhouse
").addTo(map);L.marker([30.669651,-81.4627749], { icon: Icon14}).bindPopup("
The Eppes House
").addTo(map);L.marker([30.674919,-81.46305699999999], { icon: Icon13}).bindPopup("
Pate Sucree - Wicked Davey\'s
").addTo(map);L.marker([30.67464,-81.463099], { icon: Icon14}).bindPopup("
The White House Brothel
Fort Clinch State Park
Fernandina Beach, Florida
A part of the park system since 1935, Fort Clinch is one of the most well-preserved 19th century forts in the country. Although no battles were fought here, it was garrisoned during both the Civil and Spanish-American wars. During the 1930s, the Civilian Conservation Corps began preserving and rebuilding many ...
Wiccademous Grave
Fernandina Beach, Florida
Across the street from the Fernandina Beach High School is a little dirt path that leads to an ancient oak tree with a stone marker nearby. This is, allegedly, the burial site of "Wiccademous" - a young girl who was convicted of witchcraft in the 1600s and buried beneath ...
Amelia Island Lighthouse
Fernandina Beach, Florida
The oldest working lighthouse in Florida. Is it haunted? Some say so.To register for a tour of the lighthouse please contact the Recreation Center at (904) 277-7350. Tours are the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, and The Amelia Island Lighthouse property is open to the public for ...
Florida House Inn
Fernandina Beach, Florida
This 1857 building is said to be Florida's oldest operating hotel, so it's not surprising that it has a ghost or two in residence. The ghost of a sad-looking man has been seen here, and a female spirit is known to get into bed with the guests who share her ...
Bosque Bello Cemetery
Fernandina Beach, Florida
This is a genuinely spooky cemetery, so there should be no surprise that its considered haunted. Multiple ghosts have been seen here, some seem to be the spirits of children roaming the cemetery.From Cheryl Holly:This photo was taken in August 2011. We went to Bosquebello cemetery around 10:30pm. I took ...
St. Peter's Episcopal Church Cemetery
Fernandina Beach, Florida
The Amelia Island Ghost Tour usually starts here, so of course its haunted! Many tour-takers have ended up with unexplained lights and orbs in photos taken here.
Palace Saloon
Fernandina Beach, Florida
Built in 1878 as a haberdashery, this building became a bar around 1900. Its original tin ceilings, mosaic floors and much of its design elements remain, as do some of its former patrons. The ghosts of a Rockefeller and a Carnegie are rumored to be among these who linger here, ...
The Amelia Island Williams House
Fernandina Beach, Florida
This 1856 antebellum mansion is said to be haunted by partying guests. Witnesses have heard laughter and friendly chatter from the dining room and seen apparitions descending the staircase. A female apparition often appears in a mirror near the stairs, and a ghostly man and woman are known to make ...
Old Jail - Amelia Island Museum of History
Fernandina Beach, Florida
The old jail, now the Amelia Island Museum of History, is said to be haunted by Luc Simone Aury. Aury was a criminal wanted for murder, rape, robbery and perhaps even more charges, and he was sentenced to hang on the gallows in the back. On the night before his ...
Marina Seafood Restaurant
Fernandina Beach, Florida
There's something fishy going on at this old-school establishment, and its not the quality seafood or warm service either. Alas, it must be the ghost stories that plague this long standing restaurant. Staff working late hours refuse to go upstairs at night due to encounters with the apparition of ...
Atlantic Avenue Schoolhouse
Fernandina Beach, Florida
Built in 1886 by R. S. Schuyler, during construction, a man fell to his death here. Before he died, it’s said he crawled to a window and put his bloody hands there. The story goes that years later the ghost appeared, crawling across the school house floor, much to ...
The Eppes House
Fernandina Beach, Florida
This historic house is a private residence, so please respect the owners privacy. The building is rumoured to be haunted by Charlotte Eppes, who lied to her husband and forced him to kill a hotel realtor who supposedly made sexual advances upon her. Her story was of course false, ...
Pate Sucree - Wicked Davey's
Fernandina Beach, Florida
This nineteenth-century historic saloon seems somewhat out of place in this neighbourhood, but has been a staple part of the nightlife economy in the town since its construction. The saloon was a rough place, and many murders occurred in an upstairs room where a violent spirit now resides. Other ...
The White House Brothel
Fernandina Beach, Florida
This private residence was formerly a brothel associated with the rough crowd, and is rumoured to be haunted by a ghostly prostitute and a sailor who died in a fight.(Submitted by Callum Swift)